Monday, June 23, 2014

VC1T plans Transatlantic 144MHz attempt

Over the years, there have been plenty of attempts to bridge the Atlantic on 144MHz, via tropo or meteor scatter. Up to now, it hasn't been done. There's no doubt at all in my mind that it's possible - it's just a question of try, try and try again.

A North America group, operating as VC1T plan to try from July 5th to 12th this year. They plan to use good power to a 43 element yagi (yes, 43 elements) and concentrate on FSK441 and JT65b modes.

You can read more about their plans here

Will this be the year it's done? Wouldn't it be great if the answer was yes!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous8:27 PM

    They will tx within the European phone part of the 2 m Band during the IARU Region 1 subregional Contest weekend. So noone in Europe has a rally good chance to hear VC1T. But the multi kW Contest stations, hi. And in Newfoundland the probably hesr the Europeans in Contest via EME during moonset. 73, Fred DM8MM
